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Let's talk about the Green People movie. (Beware of spoilers in the water)

Let's talk about the Green People movie. (Beware of spoilers in the water)

Watched the latest Avatar movie.

Visually fantastic. Yes, some scenes felt a little too overlong but the whole movie time goes by rather well.

The six-legged elephant in the room?

The plot? I found it had all the depth of a kiddie-wading pool.

Finally. I have questions.

(1) Now that the humans can 'Altered carbon' themselves AND that the Na'vi know they can do this. How in the fekking smeg do the Na'vi think they can actually win against an unkillable enemy?

(2) The giant, stone concentric rings? I mean I'm sitting in the cinema and literally thinking "How are the characters NOT noticing THAT?". Okay, for the Green People, they've obviously lived within its shadow for as long as they've been sapient. To them, it's always been there and so 'It's natural.'

The thing/structure is HUGE. Easily noticeable FROM SPACE which is where the new invasion FLEET of returned human ships are floating. The humans are okay with the giant, stone, "Look in THIS direction!' bull's-eye seemingly built into the planet? Huh?

The brand new Blue People have at least ONE character that's somewhat scientifically minded (The Sigourney Weaver character) and they are complete strangers to everything about the green people's place. "Nope, pretty new tree to talk to..."

(3) Now that Cameron has managed to beat the moustache-twirling b@stardry of the first movie. No, really, I was actually amazingly impressed with him being able to out-nasty the nastiness of the humans of the first movie. Like, the villains in the first movie were callous pr!cks. The new guys? "Hold my black-hearted BEER, Cobba!" Strewth! Let's factory murder that innocent mother in front of their young and impressionable child AND have a character be actively explaining to the audience, in full hearing of the perpetrators, who carry on with their actions so that there can be absolute zero temperature chance of anyone, regardless of even language barriers I'm betting, NOT understanding exactly what's GOING ON and why. Fekking AMAZING level of depravity is shown right there. Just how much worse can he depict humanity? Which leads into...

(4) Who's willing to call the motivations for the third movie? My bet? The humans are going to go full tilt LV-426 and the Na'vi will have to shut down the processing stacks or they lose. Resulting in a really big final scene ka-blooey. Yay special effects.

Cheers and season's greetings to everyone.
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