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Coronavirus spreads. But don't panic! (topical thread)

Coronavirus spreads. But don't panic! (topical thread)
(04-22-2020, 12:29 AM)airportkid Wrote: Off topic a bit but the last few posts reminded me of a complaint I'd developed awhile ago.  That's our habit of referring to foreign cuisine as Chinese "food", and Mexican "food", etc.  It's an easy appellation to use - food is after all a much more common word than cuisine - but I realized that it held me back from trying new cuisines.  Calling a cuisine Something "Food" connoted that the food itself was alien - and probably inedible.  Food is food - the only thing different is how it's prepared - its cuisine.  There are some foods unique to some cuisines, certainly, such as rabbit being uncommon in the US, but by and large the only difference between a Japanese meal and a US meal is in the preparation, variety of flavor enhancements, degree of cooking, etc.  It's all the same food - fish, poultry, pork, beef, grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables.  Bread is universal.  So too is pasta.  Do you know that chicken is universal throughout every cuisine in the world?  I think it's the only animal so widespread in all cuisines.  Poor animal - not a chance of a chicken anywhere on the planet just having a good life.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that lament out - that for years I'd steered clear of trying new cuisines because they were called so-and-so "food" when all they were were just different preparations of things familiar, and thereby worth trying out.

Too true. I used to get stir-fry at the cafeteria where I worked. One week it was Asian, the other week it was Italian. The only differences were the pasta and some of the spices. The guy running the griddle and I always got a chuckle out of that.
If you get to thinking you’re a person of some influence, try ordering somebody else’s dog around.

Messages In This Thread
Don't panic! Be creative!!! - by Chas - 03-25-2020, 06:04 AM
RE: Don't panic! Be creative!!! - by Aroura - 03-25-2020, 06:46 AM
RE: Coronavirus spreads. But don't panic! - by Fireball - 04-22-2020, 12:36 AM
£37 billion for Test & Trace. - by Inkubus - 03-10-2021, 04:05 PM
New conspiracy - by Filox - 03-20-2020, 07:14 AM
RE: New conspiracy - by Gawdzilla Sama - 03-20-2020, 09:27 AM

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