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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
Who do you love, baby?  Photos of furry, feathered, finned or whichever kind of critter has stolen your heart.

Remember a bunch may not be quite enough for some of us.  Don't be a pet tease.  Show us what you got.
"Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. 
F. D.
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  • Phaedrus, Joods, Smercury44, vulcanlogician, Dom, KittyAnn

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
I'll start off with a batch showing my avatar boy, Smokey.  He is 3 years old and a deliberate cross of a heeler and an aussie who I got from a breeder in Colorado.  He is my first dog who wasn't a rescue since my first.  Say hello to Smoke.

[Image: 34161718924_d053d2fc57_c.jpg]

[Image: 34194613423_e5d9106c2d_c.jpg]

[Image: 34617708670_c894e935e0_c.jpg]

[Image: 41906530595_c51c9c515a_c.jpg]

[Image: 26688810473_a366e35884_c.jpg]

[Image: 27019396374_7576399b43_c.jpg]

[Image: 30367731561_c20490f407_c.jpg]

[Image: 28761010534_741ee92d1c_c.jpg]
"Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. 
F. D.

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
Adding some pictures of my dog, Molly Smile

She is 11 years old this year, and is a Lab/colly cross breed, still very active and looking great [although is getting a bit grey now]

[Image: Z3cTXHh.jpg?1]

[Image: LqEZ9Mp.jpg]

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
The goddess, my Great Dane, and one of her side kicks, the Mop.

[Image: P1010225.jpg]

The Mop is a rescue from a puppy mill and came here as a pup. He has various congenital defects, such as a twisted front leg, a twisted spine that causes issues, and he is blind in one eye. However, he doesn't know it and the back only ever acted up once so far. He is now 12.  He rules over the goddess and everyone else around here.

[Image: P1010118.jpg]  

Alice is a pound rescue. It is obvious that she has been bred a whole lot and she has been abused. When she first came, she was deadly afraid of all doors and I had to have her drag a leash I could grab to guide her through doors. She attached herself to the Mop and did as he did, which was good. She used to spook occasionally and race around like crazy from hiding place to hiding place, the dragging leash helped to settle this also. She was scared of having her rear end touched, we desensitized that. It took about a year for her to settle in and start enjoying life. Then I had visitors with kids - young teens- and the teens got along fine with the Goddess and the Mop, they were dog savvy. Alice took one look at them and disappeared under the bed for the duration. Now she avoids all visitors. While the poor thing sure has a lot of baggage, she is sweet and loving and when she knows she deserves praise ( I give her lots of it), she is the proudest, happiest dog you ever saw. She prances around and is just so proud and pleased with herself. So I made a habit of asking her to do something she knows to do right at least a couple of times a day, to give her that feeling of success and happiness.

[Image: P1010182.jpg]
[Image: color%5D%5Bcolor=#333333%5D%5Bsize=small%5D%5Bfont=T...ans-Serif%5D]

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(11-27-2018, 11:35 AM)OakTree500 Wrote: Adding some pictures of my dog, Molly Smile

She is 11 years old this year, and is a Lab/colly cross breed, still very active and looking great [although is getting a bit grey now]

[Image: Z3cTXHh.jpg?1]

Does Molly train with you?  Molly reminds me a lot of my golden/lab cross Sophie, a sleek black coat as a puppy she was mostly white at 15.  Before that I had a collie/german shepherd cross named Sandy.  I like cross breeds.
"Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. 
F. D.

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
Because sometimes, you need to lay your leg on another cat, while said other cat decides that the mouse pad is the thing to try and lay on! Mom doesn't need to accomplish anything! Below is Pickles and Lece is the calico.

[Image: 7GPxJ4o.jpg]

The same two pictured above, pictured below, only three years ago. Lece helped Dill and Pickles when they were just tiny things. She made a good adoptive mom. 

[Image: u4rejEI.jpg]

Dill loves to literally get in my face. On a daily basis. 

[Image: NMJJE9D.jpg]

Ebby and Vader. We had to put Ebby down on Sept 24th after it was discovered that a large tumor was growing in her belly. She was 13. 

[Image: 3ds5opd.jpg]
God meddles in the affairs of humans in a small part the Earth for 1500 years, giving one tribal society rules to live by.
He stops all direct contact for the next 2,000 years, leaving us with a metaphorical set of instructions.
The following 14 users Like Joods's post:
  • Dom, Mark, Smercury44, TheGulegon, Vera, Phaedrus, vulcanlogician, abaris, Aliza, Marozz, KittyAnn, pablo, robvalue, Jenny

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(11-27-2018, 02:39 PM)Mark Wrote: Does Molly train with you?  Molly reminds me a lot of my golden/lab cross Sophie, a sleek black coat as a puppy she was mostly white at 15.  Before that I had a collie/german shepherd cross named Sandy.  I like cross breeds.
No but we walk her regularly and take her our for longer walks/runs around and a swim in the lake on the weekends, weather permitting. 

She's a very active dog so if I tried running with her she'd be bouncing all over the place  Panic
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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(11-27-2018, 01:18 PM)Dom Wrote: The goddess, my Great Dane, and one of her side kicks, the Mop.

[Image: P1010225.jpg]

Yo momma llama!  I mean, do you have any old photos showing the breadth of your menagerie?  Also, who was its driving force, you or your husband?  If you were the animal nut, when did it kick in for you?

I'm the keeper of the hounds and garden in my household.  I've had my own dog(s) since before I graduated high school and have always had at least one.  Lia appreciates the dogs plays no regular role in their care. Smokey does like her though and she has bonded more with him than any other dog we've had, which could be good just in case I kick the bucket before she does.
"Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. 
F. D.

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(11-27-2018, 07:13 PM)Mark Wrote:
(11-27-2018, 01:18 PM)Dom Wrote: The goddess, my Great Dane, and one of her side kicks, the Mop.

[Image: P1010225.jpg]

Yo momma llama!  I mean, do you have any old photos showing the breadth of your menagerie?  Also, who was its driving force, you or your husband?  If you were the animal nut, when did it kick in for you?

I'm the keeper of the hounds and garden in my household.  I've had my own dog(s) since before I graduated high school and have always had at least one.  Lia appreciates the dogs plays no regular role in their care. Smokey does like her though and she has bonded more with him than any other dog we've had, which could be good just in case I kick the bucket before she does.

I was more interested in animals than people for as long as I can remember, and hubby was much the same way.

When hubby and I met, I had a Saint Bernard, a large mutt, a cat and a cockatiel. He had two toy poodles. These were all older and after a few years they passed. We had moved to the country and had space, so I felt free to get a Schutzhund  quality German Shepherd and start training him, something I had done years earlier also. This ended up being awkward, two people and one dog, so I got a retired female Shepherd for him. She was a titled Schutzhund 2. My boy had flunked the Schutzhund 1 twice but I had somehow made an immediate connection with him. We had tons of fun training together and I titled him a 1 and a 2, plus a tracking trophy. (Probably, out of all the well loved dogs in my life, he was the most wonderful. I swear, that dog could read my mind.) I was training with the local police by then, and since police quality dogs were super hard to find and expensive, I sourced several police lines in Germany and flew there to observe and brought a female Schutzhund 3 home. We had 3 litters from her, and 4 pups joined the police. That is a lot, given the strict selection for health, temperament, obedience (learning capacity), protection (prey and defense drives) and social abilities. Thing is, we loved them all, and of the remaining pups we sold a few but kept - 10. We then moved further out into the country and all of them lived with us for the rest of their lives. Then I had chronic Lyme disease to deal with, with bad diagnoses (the norm at the time) and eventual healing through a self help group. When I was starting to get back on my feet I was really wobbly. Hubby declared me nuts but I got two juvenile Great Danes. I would have one walk on each side. They have a tendency to lean into you, so they propped me up. The collars are right at my hand's level, so I could also steady myself. And so I had two giant, loving, self propelled walking sticks.  Tongue 

The story of my animals over a life time could fill a book. At one time we had almost a hundred pairs of breeding parrots. Unfortunately there are no old photos. 

I enjoy rehabilitating animals, and usually have at least one shelter dog that has been damaged. I love when they start relaxing and let their personalities shine through. Happy dogs make me happy.
[Image: color%5D%5Bcolor=#333333%5D%5Bsize=small%5D%5Bfont=T...ans-Serif%5D]
The following 3 users Like Dom's post:
  • Mark, Smercury44, Deesse23

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
100's of breeding parrots?!  I'll bet you never needed an alarm clock in those days.  My first wife had a bird when we met and got others.  Later, with wife number two I got into keeping outdoor aviaries connecting to roomy indoor fights in an old shed.  Because of the memory of waking up to my first wife's screaming parrots I never kept any of them.  But I did keep a number of different finches some of which bred.  I also kept small quail, weavers and a couple of larger birds, a pair of Pekin robins and a pair of mesias.  This was the male mesia.

[Image: 3103524019_ffbab9b6ac.jpg]

This was the first and smallest of the aviaries I built in the summer following my first year of teaching.

[Image: 900504323_765fdd1ad4_b.jpg]

Here you can see the male Mesia again with the family of weavers.  You can also see the perch on my neighbor's building from which the photo after was taken.

[Image: 1940291449_0efe78e9fe_b.jpg]

The aviaries were built against an old shed out above a year around creek.  This photo is taken from the second floor of my neighbor's warehouse building.

[Image: 1941140416_b474865d9e_b.jpg]

At one point I was considering building a much larger aviary to include an old fig tree (seen beyond the aviaries in the last photo).  But then I considered how we get so many wild birds coming through because of the creek below which anchors a natural flyway for a lot of birds.  Planting the aviaries led to wanting to bird-scape the yard, eventually becoming my garden.  Here is a night heron (I think) sitting near that same aviary the Mesia was in.

[Image: 3154966822_d4a1c415fa_z.jpg?zz=1]

So I repurposed the larger aviaries to make a vermin-proof place for an outdoor bed.  The longest aviary I cut out almost entirely to allow better passage between spaces.  But the planting pockets I built in the faux rock wall at its end are still made good use of.  In the second photo, the wire you see is that which surrounds the outdoor bed.

[Image: 506816596_d01e487fbc_b.jpg]

[Image: 871033081_fb33c4baef_b.jpg]

It is definitely a lot simpler enjoying the wild birds than looking in on caged birds at least twice a day.  Here are a couple of nearly grown hummingbird babies in a next not three feet above the ground in a euphorbia.  The last photo is of an american goldfinch feeding amongst pyracantha and salvia, about ten feet above the ground.

[Image: 16638639708_5e2e46de45_c.jpg]

[Image: 531114625_242080a985_z.jpg?zz=1]
"Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. 
F. D.
The following 13 users Like Mark's post:
  • Smercury44, Alan V, Vera, Phaedrus, Joods, Deesse23, Aliza, abaris, julep, Marozz, KittyAnn, pablo, Jenny

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(11-27-2018, 08:38 PM)Mark Wrote: 100's of breeding parrots?!  I'll bet you never needed an alarm clock in those days.  My first wife had a bird when we met and got others.  Later, with wife number two I got into keeping outdoor aviaries connecting to roomy indoor fights in an old shed.  Because of the memory of waking up to my first wife's screaming parrots I never kept any of them.  But I did keep a number of different finches some of which bred.  I also kept small quail, weavers and a couple of larger birds, a pair of Pekin robins and a pair of mesias.  This was the male mesia.

[Image: 3103524019_ffbab9b6ac.jpg]

This was the first and smallest of the aviaries I built in the summer following my first year of teaching.

[Image: 900504323_765fdd1ad4_b.jpg]

Here you can see the male Mesia again with the family of weavers.  You can also see the perch on my neighbor's building from which the photo after was taken.

[Image: 1940291449_0efe78e9fe_b.jpg]

The aviaries were built against an old shed out above a year around creek.  This photo is taken from the second floor of my neighbor's warehouse building.

[Image: 1941140416_b474865d9e_b.jpg]

At one point I was considering building a much larger aviary to include an old fig tree (seen beyond the aviaries in the last photo).  But then I considered how we get so many wild birds coming through because of the creek below which anchors a natural flyway for a lot of birds.  Planting the aviaries led to wanting to bird-scape the yard, eventually becoming my garden.  Here is a night heron (I think) sitting near that same aviary the Mesia was in.

[Image: 3154966822_d4a1c415fa_z.jpg?zz=1]

So I repurposed the larger aviaries to make a vermin-proof place for an outdoor bed.  The longest aviary I cut out almost entirely to allow better passage between spaces.  But the planting pockets I built in the faux rock wall at its end are still made good use of.  In the second photo, the wire you see is that which surrounds the outdoor bed.

[Image: 506816596_d01e487fbc_b.jpg]

[Image: 871033081_fb33c4baef_b.jpg]

It is definitely a lot simpler enjoying the wild birds than looking in on caged birds at least twice a day.  Here are a couple of nearly grown hummingbird babies in a next not three feet above the ground in a euphorbia.  The last photo is of an american goldfinch feeding amongst pyracantha and salvia, about ten feet above the ground.

[Image: 16638639708_5e2e46de45_c.jpg]

[Image: 531114625_242080a985_z.jpg?zz=1]

Very cool! I miss the birds, I still have two Goffins Cockatoos in an outdoor enclosure. Turns out my allergic asthma acts up when they are inside. I have tried to re-home them, but I am too damn picky about where they might end up. 

I love your outdoor avaiaries - we had one with finches that could be seen from the living room window. The others had a large building with indoor/outdoor cages. Pet birds tend to be more noisy than mated birds in aviaries. 

Your place is like a dream. Mine was pretty damn nice, but I can't care for it anymore the way I used to. Last year with all the smoke keeping me in, I ended up with a garden overgrown with weeds which are now hard to get rid of. It was painful to see.

I do have a zillion wild birds - my water attraction is a large pond. I get wild ducks and geese, herons, kingfishers and what not. 

Sounds like we have much in common.
[Image: color%5D%5Bcolor=#333333%5D%5Bsize=small%5D%5Bfont=T...ans-Serif%5D]
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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(11-27-2018, 02:53 PM)Joods Wrote: Because sometimes, you need to lay your leg on another cat, while said other cat decides that the mouse pad is the thing to try and lay on! Mom doesn't need to accomplish anything! Below is Pickles and Lece is the calico.

The same two pictured above, pictured below, only three years ago. Lece helped Dill and Pickles when they were just tiny things. She made a good adoptive mom. 

Dill loves to literally get in my face. On a daily basis. 

Ebby and Vader. We had to put Ebby down on Sept 24th after it was discovered that a large tumor was growing in her belly. She was 13. 

Weeping I wish my kitties would cuddle like that. They are so adorable! Mine tolerate each other.

My big kitty Leo. I got him at the ARL about 13 years ago. He was the kitten that loved me most and he still does! Heart he loves to sprawl out like this on our enclosed porch on hot summer days.

[Image: EFA2-E4-AF-8-FD8-45-C5-B88-B-1916-F7-EF57-F5.jpg]

He also sleeps on my feet every night. Can’t go to sleep without him there.

[Image: EBC0-D95-E-8172-4530-8-FFF-5-DFC0-DF46-C1-D.jpg]

This is the little kitty Dash. Named for his speed (and before the Incredibles I might add Tongue). He was feral kitten alone in my then apartment’s parking lot. I had a ground floor entrance and managed to get him inside. He isn’t a lap cat, and hides from strangers, but he’s comfortable around me. He can stay in my lap for about five minutes before he wants to be doing his own thing.

[Image: BAA4684-E-D7-FA-403-A-A0-EE-9521-A90-D4-E4-F.jpg]
[Image: 320-C6-ED7-97-CD-4-AB2-A60-A-759-A45-FB7-FE8.jpg]
"The Thinking Atheist forum" “The Thinking Atheist forum closed down" “TTA Forum”
The following 11 users Like Smercury44's post:
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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
Mine don't always get along. Sometimes Lece has had enough of Pickles wanting to literally be up her ass and she smacks him around a few times before he gets the message.
God meddles in the affairs of humans in a small part the Earth for 1500 years, giving one tribal society rules to live by.
He stops all direct contact for the next 2,000 years, leaving us with a metaphorical set of instructions.
The following 1 user Likes Joods's post:
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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(11-28-2018, 12:57 AM)Smercury44 Wrote: [Image: BAA4684-E-D7-FA-403-A-A0-EE-9521-A90-D4-E4-F.jpg]

Lots of people will get their cat a cat tree or scratching post.  But so few step up to provide them with art.  Good job.
"Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. 
F. D.
The following 3 users Like Mark's post:
  • Smercury44, Joods, Dom

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(11-28-2018, 03:57 AM)Mark Wrote:
(11-28-2018, 12:57 AM)Smercury44 Wrote: [Image: BAA4684-E-D7-FA-403-A-A0-EE-9521-A90-D4-E4-F.jpg]

Lots of people will get their cat a cat tree or scratching post.  But so few step up to provide them with art.  Good job.

It’s art from a family friend! He knows I love the movie Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, I got that painting for Christmas. Dash does have a great appreciation for it, he loves to sit up there.
[Image: 320-C6-ED7-97-CD-4-AB2-A60-A-759-A45-FB7-FE8.jpg]
"The Thinking Atheist forum" “The Thinking Atheist forum closed down" “TTA Forum”
The following 3 users Like Smercury44's post:
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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
Proof that Dill will literally sleep anywhere, just to be near me: 

[Image: r32w4eu.jpg]

Here's Dill, Vader and Lece (in that order) on the couch with me because, well, cats!

[Image: ZTpyHBu.jpg]
God meddles in the affairs of humans in a small part the Earth for 1500 years, giving one tribal society rules to live by.
He stops all direct contact for the next 2,000 years, leaving us with a metaphorical set of instructions.
The following 7 users Like Joods's post:
  • Alan V, Dom, Phaedrus, Marozz, KittyAnn, pablo, Jenny

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
In case you wonder what it can be like to live with a goddess (or god) :

[Image: color%5D%5Bcolor=#333333%5D%5Bsize=small%5D%5Bfont=T...ans-Serif%5D]
The following 6 users Like Dom's post:
  • Mark, Smercury44, abaris, Marozz, KittyAnn, pablo

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
We got over to the Fort Funston beach in San Francisco today at noon after the rain stopped.  Was there with the wife and my two furry kids, Heidi Rose and Smoke.

[Image: 31199076447_6657c67431_c.jpg]

Heidi Rose with the pacific ocean and the Marin headlands north of San Francisco.  This beach is located at the furthest south corner of San Francisco.

[Image: 45414414234_5ba21eaac9_c.jpg]

Smoke scritching around to knock sand and water off his fur.

[Image: 45414429904_c19d217ac6_c.jpg]

One more just to show the view south to Pacifica.  The bold red ice plant here is a plant non grata in the wilds but there isn't anything pristine about this bit of wild land anyhow.  Still my favorite place to bring the puppets.

[Image: 45414420944_4aed90db3a_c.jpg]
"Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. 
F. D.
The following 10 users Like Mark's post:
  • Deesse23, Smercury44, Aliza, Dom, abaris, brewerb, Marozz, KittyAnn, pablo, Jenny

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
No pictures, but I have a little story to share. Smile

I play peek-a-boo with my parrot and he loves the game so much that "peek-a-boo" was his first word. The letter "p" is said to be difficult for birds to pronounce, but my bird is very good at saying the letter "p."

He's also very attracted to my iron and ironing board. I guess he figures that I keep playing with the iron, so it must be something really special. I keep catching him flying over to the ironing board to check out the iron. This is an obvious safety issue but I sometimes just leave the ironing board out. I had the idea to cover the iron with a dish cloth. Then it has disappeared, right?!

Wrong. The bird has learned object permanence through countless games of peek-a-boo. He flew over to the covered iron (which was cool at the time) and knew to pull the dish rag off to reveal his coveted prize. Heart Heart Heart

The following 3 users Like Aliza's post:
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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(11-27-2018, 08:38 PM)Mark Wrote: 100's of breeding parrots?!  I'll bet you never needed an alarm clock in those days.  My first wife had a bird when we met and got others.  Later, with wife number two I got into keeping outdoor aviaries connecting to roomy indoor fights in an old shed.  Because of the memory of waking up to my first wife's screaming parrots I never kept any of them.  But I did keep a number of different finches some of which bred.  I also kept small quail, weavers and a couple of larger birds, a pair of Pekin robins and a pair of mesias.  This was the male mesia.

[Image: 3103524019_ffbab9b6ac.jpg]

This was the first and smallest of the aviaries I built in the summer following my first year of teaching.

[Image: 900504323_765fdd1ad4_b.jpg]

Here you can see the male Mesia again with the family of weavers.  You can also see the perch on my neighbor's building from which the photo after was taken.

[Image: 1940291449_0efe78e9fe_b.jpg]

The aviaries were built against an old shed out above a year around creek.  This photo is taken from the second floor of my neighbor's warehouse building.

[Image: 1941140416_b474865d9e_b.jpg]

At one point I was considering building a much larger aviary to include an old fig tree (seen beyond the aviaries in the last photo).  But then I considered how we get so many wild birds coming through because of the creek below which anchors a natural flyway for a lot of birds.  Planting the aviaries led to wanting to bird-scape the yard, eventually becoming my garden.  Here is a night heron (I think) sitting near that same aviary the Mesia was in.

[Image: 3154966822_d4a1c415fa_z.jpg?zz=1]

So I repurposed the larger aviaries to make a vermin-proof place for an outdoor bed.  The longest aviary I cut out almost entirely to allow better passage between spaces.  But the planting pockets I built in the faux rock wall at its end are still made good use of.  In the second photo, the wire you see is that which surrounds the outdoor bed.

[Image: 506816596_d01e487fbc_b.jpg]

[Image: 871033081_fb33c4baef_b.jpg]

It is definitely a lot simpler enjoying the wild birds than looking in on caged birds at least twice a day.  Here are a couple of nearly grown hummingbird babies in a next not three feet above the ground in a euphorbia.  The last photo is of an american goldfinch feeding amongst pyracantha and salvia, about ten feet above the ground.

[Image: 16638639708_5e2e46de45_c.jpg]

[Image: 531114625_242080a985_z.jpg?zz=1]

@Tartarus Sauce are any of these birds the ones that shit on your car?
The following 1 user Likes Aliza's post:
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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(12-02-2018, 06:29 AM)Aliza Wrote:
(11-27-2018, 08:38 PM)Mark Wrote: 100's of breeding parrots?!  I'll bet you never needed an alarm clock in those days.  My first wife had a bird when we met and got others.  Later, with wife number two I got into keeping outdoor aviaries connecting to roomy indoor fights in an old shed.  Because of the memory of waking up to my first wife's screaming parrots I never kept any of them.  But I did keep a number of different finches some of which bred.  I also kept small quail, weavers and a couple of larger birds, a pair of Pekin robins and a pair of mesias.  This was the male mesia.

[Image: 3103524019_ffbab9b6ac.jpg]

This was the first and smallest of the aviaries I built in the summer following my first year of teaching.

[Image: 900504323_765fdd1ad4_b.jpg]

Here you can see the male Mesia again with the family of weavers.  You can also see the perch on my neighbor's building from which the photo after was taken.

[Image: 1940291449_0efe78e9fe_b.jpg]

The aviaries were built against an old shed out above a year around creek.  This photo is taken from the second floor of my neighbor's warehouse building.

[Image: 1941140416_b474865d9e_b.jpg]

At one point I was considering building a much larger aviary to include an old fig tree (seen beyond the aviaries in the last photo).  But then I considered how we get so many wild birds coming through because of the creek below which anchors a natural flyway for a lot of birds.  Planting the aviaries led to wanting to bird-scape the yard, eventually becoming my garden.  Here is a night heron (I think) sitting near that same aviary the Mesia was in.

[Image: 3154966822_d4a1c415fa_z.jpg?zz=1]

So I repurposed the larger aviaries to make a vermin-proof place for an outdoor bed.  The longest aviary I cut out almost entirely to allow better passage between spaces.  But the planting pockets I built in the faux rock wall at its end are still made good use of.  In the second photo, the wire you see is that which surrounds the outdoor bed.

[Image: 506816596_d01e487fbc_b.jpg]

[Image: 871033081_fb33c4baef_b.jpg]

It is definitely a lot simpler enjoying the wild birds than looking in on caged birds at least twice a day.  Here are a couple of nearly grown hummingbird babies in a next not three feet above the ground in a euphorbia.  The last photo is of an american goldfinch feeding amongst pyracantha and salvia, about ten feet above the ground.

[Image: 16638639708_5e2e46de45_c.jpg]

[Image: 531114625_242080a985_z.jpg?zz=1]

@Tartarus Sauce are any of these birds the ones that shit on your car?

I don't think so, that would be my peafowl. Especially the females used to jump on my car to get a better view and invariably poop there. Also, my windshield must be an attractant for wild goose poop from geese flying overhead.
[Image: color%5D%5Bcolor=#333333%5D%5Bsize=small%5D%5Bfont=T...ans-Serif%5D]
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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(12-02-2018, 12:03 PM)Dom Wrote: I don't think so, that would be my peafowl. Especially the females used to jump on my car to get a better view and invariably poop there. Also, my windshield must be an attractant for wild goose poop from geese flying overhead.

Our cars suffer much more from our dogs who seem to like having a higher spot from which to survey their kingdom.
"Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. 
F. D.

Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(12-02-2018, 06:24 AM)Aliza Wrote: No pictures, but I have a little story to share. Smile

I play peek-a-boo with my parrot and he loves the game so much that "peek-a-boo" was his first word. The letter "p" is said to be difficult for birds to pronounce, but my bird is very good at saying the letter "p."

He's also very attracted to my iron and ironing board. I guess he figures that I keep playing with the iron, so it must be something really special. I keep catching him flying over to the ironing board to check out the iron. This is an obvious safety issue but I sometimes just leave the ironing board out. I had the idea to cover the iron with a dish cloth. Then it has disappeared, right?!

Wrong. The bird has learned object permanence through countless games of peek-a-boo. He flew over to the covered iron (which was cool at the time) and knew to pull the dish rag off to reveal his coveted prize.  Heart  Heart  Heart


Good one.  Parrots are so smart!  What kind is yours and how old do you think he is?  Also does yours, seemingly like every other parrot,l scream in the morning?  I seem to remember that if the cage was covered we could sleep in longer.
"Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. 
F. D.
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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(12-02-2018, 12:18 PM)Mark Wrote:
(12-02-2018, 12:03 PM)Dom Wrote: I don't think so, that would be my peafowl. Especially the females used to jump on my car to get a better view and invariably poop there. Also, my windshield must be an attractant for wild goose poop from geese flying overhead.

Our cars suffer much more from our dogs who seem to like having a higher spot from which to survey their kingdom.

Ugh, turkeys. Both our pet turkey and the wild ones - they see other male turkeys in the shiny car parts and attack!
[Image: color%5D%5Bcolor=#333333%5D%5Bsize=small%5D%5Bfont=T...ans-Serif%5D]
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Thread for excessively over-sharing photos of your pets
(12-02-2018, 12:27 PM)Mark Wrote:
(12-02-2018, 06:24 AM)Aliza Wrote: No pictures, but I have a little story to share. Smile

I play peek-a-boo with my parrot and he loves the game so much that "peek-a-boo" was his first word. The letter "p" is said to be difficult for birds to pronounce, but my bird is very good at saying the letter "p."

He's also very attracted to my iron and ironing board. I guess he figures that I keep playing with the iron, so it must be something really special. I keep catching him flying over to the ironing board to check out the iron. This is an obvious safety issue but I sometimes just leave the ironing board out. I had the idea to cover the iron with a dish cloth. Then it has disappeared, right?!

Wrong. The bird has learned object permanence through countless games of peek-a-boo. He flew over to the covered iron (which was cool at the time) and knew to pull the dish rag off to reveal his coveted prize.  Heart  Heart  Heart


Good one.  Parrots are so smart!  What kind is yours and how old do you think he is?  Also does yours, seemingly like every other parrot,l scream in the morning?  I seem to remember that if the cage was covered we could sleep in longer.

He's 8, and I got him when he was not yet 1 year old, so he's pretty much grown up with me. He talks and sings a lot, but more or less, he knows not to bother me too early in the morning. I'm a night owl and my pets have (to my great fortune) adapted to that.

I'll PM you some pics of my babies. I'm photo-sharing shy on the internet. girl blushing
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