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How do we gauge whether something was designed?

How do we gauge whether something was designed?
I don't think complexity in and of itself necessarily indicates design, but its presence in combination with other properties could.  So then how can complexity be defined?

Here's a stab:  High diversity of unique components with a high level of interdependence and interactivity of function and process - rarely inert.

Virtually all of multi-cellular biology meets this definition.  So do nuclear power plants, jet aircraft, computers and restaurant kitchens.  Again, complexity per se doesn't really offer a clue as to whether design was involved.  Design is absent in biology; is practically the heart of a nuclear power plant.

As I mentioned earlier, regularity seems a better indicator.  Regularity is rare in nature, common in design.  The leaves of a maple tree are all similar in general form, but unique when compared with one another.  The teeth of a cog are identical, and precisely shaped.  And all the cogs made to a spec are identical.

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RE: How do we gauge whether something was designed? - by airportkid - 09-21-2022, 08:15 AM

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